วันอาทิตย์ที่ 29 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) approaches

The CDA approaches, it can find all the theoretical levels of sociological and socio-psychological theory (the concept of different theoretical levels is in the tradition of Merton, 1967: 39–72):
- Epistemology, i.e. theories which provide models of the conditions, contingencies and limit of human perception in general and scientific perception in particular.
- General social theories, often called ‘grand theories’, try to conceptualize the relations between social structure and social action and thus link micro- and macro-sociological phenomena.Within this level, one can distinguish between the more structuralist and the more individualist approaches. To put it very simply, the former provide top-down explanations (structure>action), whereas the latter prefer bottom-up explanations (action>structure). Many modern theories try to reconcile these positions and imply some kind of circularity between social action and social structure.
- Middle-range theories focus either upon specific social phenomena (e.g. conflict, cognition, social networks) or on specific subsystems of society (e.g. economy, politics, religion).
- Micro-sociological theories try to explain social interaction, for example the resolution of the double contingency problem (Parsons and Shils, 1951: 3–29) or the reconstruction of everyday procedures which members of a society use to create their own social order, which is the objective of ethno-methodology.
- Socio-psychogical theories concentrate upon the social conditions of emotion and cognition and, compared to micro-sociology, prefer causal explanations to a hermeneutic understanding of meaning.
- Discourse theories aim at the conceptualization of discourse as a social phenomenon and try to explain its genesis and its structure.
- Linguistic theories, e.g. theories of argumentation, of grammar, of rhetoric, try to describe and explain the pattern specific to language systems and verbal communication.

Ref: Ruth Wodak and Michael Meyer, Critical Discourse Analysis: History, Agenda,Theory, and Methodology, page 24-25

